Here's What You Should Be Posting Right Now

Quarantine sale, Corona special...cringe! This is what landed in my inbox this week. Are you wondering what you should and should not be posting right now? This will largely depend on your audience, platforms and position in the market. If social media is one of your main marketing tools, then it’s necessary for you to continue posting content. With Instagram usage expected to increase 43% you want to hold steady or increase your position. One key thing to remember, is people are sensitive to the content that they are consuming right now.  You have to be careful to not be tone death. Let’s start with figuring out your position in the market followed by a few content ideas. 

This is where it’s important to do a SWOT analysis of your business. Most businesses will fall into one of these categories: Business is good, Hustling to keep their position, Closed, but we’ll be back.

Business is good

If you are strong in position your business should focus on posting engaging content and increasing followers within your target market. This will keep your company top of mind when business resumes and opportunities open in the future. Now is a good time to diversify your social media marketing to other channels. Start that Twitter, Pinterest or TikTok account.

Hustling to keep your position

If your business recently pivoted from brick and mortor to online or reduced service hours your focus should be on sales. You should be posting and promoting.  People will be open to supporting your business, especially if you have built a community around your brand. They want to see you thrive and make it through this challenging period. What does this look like? Maybe you already have a current or previous campaign that you can use to promote your business. Make sure the messaging in your caption acknowledges the times. Ignoring it would be careless. Most existing campaigns can work with creative brand messaging. People understand that you’re trying to keep your lights on and are open to helping & supporting you. Pull in previous clients or customers to speak about your brand. Takeovers and Lives are a great way to get access to new audiences right now

Closed, but we’ll be back

If you’ve had to halt business completely due to your industry, but plan to bounce back when this has passed now is a great time to collaborate with other brands. Now is the time to focus on increasing your engagement and followers. This can be done thru Ig Live, a giveaway or chats. If you do not have a mailing list in place for your business, you should focus on building your subscribers. Text message marketing is also a great place to focus your energy. Host a tutorial for your industry or on a different account. Long form blog content will increase your brand’s SEO. You want to keep the buzz around your business.

Content that continues to  perform exceptionally well right now is inspiring, funny, relatable and Tik Toks. We’ll share more information soon regarding how to use Tik Toks to create content for your business. 

People are still looking for your brand so focus on holding or increasing your position during this time. Alex Wolf hosted a live webinar explaining how critical it is for brands to sell right now to keep this economy going. You being bold enough to sell right now is bigger than you. 

If you need help developing your social media strategy, contact us to set up a consultation