Ashley Williams: Is Your Business Protected With A Trademark

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The truth about the hustle is... It's hard. It’s not easy. Entrepreneurship is not for everybody. You have to be passionate about it.

You’ve put so much energy and time into building your business, but is it legally protected? Today I'm chatting with Ashley Williams,Esq, a New York licensed attorney for Creatives and Entrepreneurs. She is Ashley has changed the game with her ability to breakdown information and connect with her audience. She makes legal advice more accessible to the everyday creative entrepreneur. Her goal has always been to focus on building community around her business instead of the traditional exchanging business cards “let’s do lunch’ blue suit way of networking.


After several years at a business law firm, where she offered legal counsel to billion dollar companies, Ashley decided to leverage her knowledge and form Ashley Williams Law PLLC - Unorthodox Legal.  Unorthodox Legal is a boutique law firm that empowers creatives and business owners in the areas of contracts, trademark and copyright law, internet law, business formation, compliance and employment agreements.

Listen in as we dive into why you need a lawyer on your team at the beginning stages of building a business or brand. Why it’s important to carve out your niche in any market and why we’re shifting to a mindset of celebrating small & large wins along the way.

You can connect with Ashley Williams, Esq and check out her services at Unorthodox Legal Instagram

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