How To Work Well From Home While Quarantined


Working from home can be a little bit challenging when you're not used to working in this space. So how do we work well while at home and prevent ourselves from binge watching all 6 Seasons of Sex and the City (are you judgeing me right now, lol) I'm not pointing any fingers, but we know it happens. Here are some tips to help you work well while at home. Wake up in the morning and try to keep your regular routines.

It's really important that you keep as much routine as possible. 

So wake up, do your normal morning self care. That might be meditating, praying, reading and drinking your water.  You still want to shower and get dressed. Maybe it's not as formal as putting on your normal business suit, but you still want to get up and get moving. Get your blood pumping and endorphins moving throughout your body. You will  feel so great once you get up, take a shower and get ready to start your day.

Eat breakfast. I know it's the simplest of things, but when you get busy with work it is so easy  to forget to eat breakfast or just eat in general.

Make sure that you're scheduling times for breaks where you're eating  & moving around. Use your calendar to schedule time where you can actually pause, maybe check-in with friends. Schedule FaceTime with friends, calls or send a quick check in text message.

We're all at home and we're all going through this together right now.

Maybe you guys can have lunch together via FaceTime. 

It's really important to manage your time well so we suggest planning everything out on your Google Calendar. This will help you know exactly what you should be doing and when you should be doing it. This is a great opportunity to start batching your different tasks that you do at work. Schedule set times to check your emails & work on certain projects. If you have those scheduled in your calendar, it'll help you work better. 

You may even want to consider scheduling time to be on social media. It's so hard to focus, with all the notifications and the news headlines. We’re constantly getting interrupted by the notifications and the pop-ups on our phone. Consider having set times where you can actually scroll maybe in 5 or 10 minute increments, reading the news and checking your social media page. Many inboxes now come with a pause feature where you can actually stop any incoming emails and power through work. You can also pause any distractions from any of your apps popping up on your phone now. 

Set boundaries with your friends, significant others and family to let them know that this is the time that you will be working  and you'll be taking a break during these hours. Let them know that you would love to connect with them at that time. Setting those boundaries up in advance will give them a good understanding of when to expect to hear from you. 

If you're working from home and you have little ones, it's really important that hey also have a schedule as well. You can make a thing out of it where you guys are both co working together. Create excitement where you have your workspace and you set up a little workspace for them as well to get them excited to do their schoolwork at home. There's so many resources out there with school schedules suggested elearning schedules.

Speaking of workspaces, it's so important that we're not working in our beds. I know it's so tempting and cozy, but make sure that you have a designated work area so that your brain can switch. It's important that we outline clear boundaries for ourselves. Create designated spaces for work, sleep & eating. Program your brain to know that when you move away from this space or area it's time to switch to a different activity or task.

You also want to give yourself set working hours. This is not the time to be pulling all nighters. It's a really good idea to just set these in stone. So you will know exactly when to take a break from the hustle. 

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