Here Are The Best Apps For Working From Home

Please don’t get caught on Zoom with your pants down or as a potato. No really, we saw both of these while scrolling twitter this week. Some of us have been working from home before the shelter in place mandate and know exactly how to manage everything while others are still looking for the mute button on Zoom.  No judgement. If you fit into either category here are a few apps that will help you manage your work from home life. 

Calendar app We’ve asked countless CEOs and Founders for their go to tool for managing life and the number one tool is their calendar. We’ve gotten into the habit of putting everything on our calendar, even our lunch hour.

Freedom apps Is it us or is everyone going Live! On top of the people who aren't truly working from home because they are busy FaceTiming and texting you. Put them on pause with the freedom app. 

Do Not Disturb if you have an Iphone you can create a custom schedule for not allowing any calls or notifications except from the people and apps you approve. This function is a go to when you’re under a deadline and  want to be completely uninterrupted.

Google Drive or Dropbox These apps are great storage apps for sharing and storing content, files and pics. You are able to easily share files with a link and collaborate on documents with others.

Trello, Asana, Basecamp or Airtable Now is the time to get organized. Here’s the secret to staying on  top of your workflow, great project management software. These apps help you keep track of your progress and goals..You can even add your team so that everyone can check in on progress across the board. 

Calendly, Acuity or Square These apps help you cut down on the back and forth of scheduling meetings and appointments. Easily share your calendar link or an option of times that you’re available with your peers or clients to get appointments scheduled faster. 

What apps are using to manage your work from home life? We want to hear from you in the comments!